Benoit Beaudoy - Cleric

If we are being honest with ourselves Jake just wanted to be Daniel Craig from ‘Knives Out’ and that was the main motivator for this week's character. However, creating a Cleric that wasn’t born or raised in the church is a fun challenge for Nate and Jake to take on. Jake is also a masochist so they roll on background again. Check it out!

Here’s what Nate brings to the table:

  • Class: Cleric

  • Item : Gloves of Healing

  • Personality Trait: I always have a plan for what to do when things go wrong.

  • Motivation: Destroy a demon that has possessed the body of a small child without killing the child.

So join Nate and Jake as they figure out how to take those characteristics and flesh them out to create a multi-dimensional character in the world of D&D.


Dano - Warlock


William Johns - Wizard