Donavier Palestone - Warlock

It all starts with an item. One rule them all...or...something not even close to that. Jake wanted to see how a story could unfold when a single item is the main motivator to the character. What does the item mean? Are they looking for it or do they already possess it? These questions and more are answered in this week's episode of RNG PC

Here’s what Jake brings to the table:

  • Item - Amulet of the Drunkard

  • Name - Donavier Palestone

  • Alignment - Lawful Evil

  • Ideal: Might. If I become strong, I can take what I want – what I deserve.

  • Background: Inheritor

So join Nate and Jake as they figure out how to take those characteristics and flesh them out to create a multi-dimensional character in the world of D&D.


Old Man Omag - Barbarian


Sir of the Siren Song - Rogue