Old Man Omag - Barbarian

Nate wanted to create a bonafide badass of a character. Bringing the Monster Hunter background to the table (and perhaps too many other characteristics) Nate and Jake create a character with a one track mind toward vengeance. If you ever wanted to be on a relentless pursuit with your main goal being to cave-in a skull, then Omag is the character for you.

Here’s what Nate brings to the table:

  • Item/Trinket: A journal that details the great adventures of a hero you have never heard of, complete with vivid descriptions of nonsensical creatures and terms, all written in messy handwriting.

  • Class: Barbarian

  • Race: Half-Orc

  • Name - Omag

  • Flaw: I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My sharp tongue lands me in trouble

  • Personality Trait: I feel tremendous empathy for all who suffer.

  • Background: Monster Hunter

So join Nate and Jake as they figure out how to take those characteristics and flesh them out to create a multi-dimensional character in the world of D&D.


Grunter - Druid


Donavier Palestone - Warlock