Grunter - Druid

Jake wanted to create a younger, more naive character this week and boy did he end up delivering. What makes this character even more unique? The fact that their intelligence is below average and Jake has to role-play a character that can barely form a logical sentence! Although this character does have an interesting backstory this is some roleplay you do not want to miss out on.

Here’s what Jake brings to the table:

  • Background: Feral Child 

  • Class: Druid - Circle of the Moon

  • Ideal:Freedom. I never fit into society and I have found the only way to be content is to express myself without regard for rules. (Chaotic)

So join Nate and Jake as they figure out how to take those characteristics and flesh them out to create a multi-dimensional character in the world of D&D.


Drosera - Druid


Old Man Omag - Barbarian